National Level Science Talent Search Examination (NSTSE) is a diagnostic test which actually helps students to improve. It is a scientifically designed, skill-based assessment developed in India for Indian schools, after a detailed study of the syllabi of different central and state boards. Rather than testing rote learning, it focuses on measuring how well SKILLS and CONCEPTS underlying the school syllabus have been learnt by the student. The test provides information on the strengths and weaknesses of individual students and also entire classes.
EligibilityStudents studying in Classes
- XI(PCM) and XI(PCB)
NSTSE follows CBSE syllabus but Question Papers are also suitable for Students of ICSE/ISC and Various State Board/Matriculation Syllabi.
NSTSE Exam PatternThere will be a different Question Paper for each class. All the questions are objective-type with no negative marking for wrong answers.
Class No. Of Questions Marks
4-12 100 100
All questions are objective type only.
SyllabusNSTSE follows CBSE syllabus but Question Papers are also suitable for Students of ICSE/ISC and Various State Board/Matriculation Syllabi.
BenefitsNSTSE is unlike other tests in many different ways.
- It has interesting questions that require thinking, not simply recall.
- provides detailed skill-wise feedback highlighting strengths and weaknesses.
- provides a benchmark of the student’s performance with peers all over the country.
Thus, NSTSE focuses on IMPROVEMENT rather than comparison or grading. It also reduces the stress of exams by checking UNDERSTANDING rather than FACTS.
Awards And Recognitions- Gold Medals & Cash Awards (or) Scholarships for the first 3 in each class (Ranks 1-3)
- The First ranker in each class will be awarded with a Gold Medal and laptop Computer + a Memento.
- The Second ranker in each class will be awarded a Gold Medal and a Desktop Computer + a Memento.
- The Third ranker in each class will be awarded with a Gold Medal and a Cash Prize Rs. 5000/- + a Memento.
- The next 7 rankers in each class (Ranks 4-10) of classes II-XII will be awarded a cash prize of Rs. 1000/-.
- The next 15 rankers in each class (Ranks 11-25) of classes II-XII will be awarded a cash prize of Rs. 500/-
- Rankers from 26-100 from each class will be awarded with a BMA’s Talent Exams Resource Book from M/S. Brain Mapping Academy.
- All the rankers from class II-VI will be offered a discount coupon of 50% (Rs. 900) on Unified Knowledge Box Activity kit.
- All the rankers from class VII-IX will be offered a discount coupon of 50% Rs. 700) on Ambition IIT/AIEEE material.
- All the above toppers will be awarded with a Britannica Encyclopedia – 2010 edition CD pack worth Rs. 995/-
- Best Participation Award – School
This award is presented to all the schools which forward more than 100 applications. All the Principals & coordinating Teacher in-charges of the exam are awarded with a certificate of Appreciation.
For more information, Please visit