Indian National Junior Science Olympiad (INJSO) is a competitive examination open to students of all countries in the world, primarily studying in secondary schools. All basic subjects of Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Mathematics) are given roughly equal representation in the IJSO examination.
The Junior Science Olympiad program will follow the following 5 stages:
- Stage I: National Standard Examination in Junior Science (NSEJS),
- Stage II: Indian National Junior Science Olympiad (INJSO),
- Stage III: Orientation cum Selection Camp (OCSC) in junior science,
- Stage IV: Pre-departure Training Camp (PDT) for IJSO,
- Stage V: Participation in International Junior Science Olympiad (IJSO).
All Indian students who are born on or after January 1, 1998 and, in addition, are in Class X or lower as of November 30, 2012, are eligible to appear in NSEJS 2012 – 2013. If they qualify in the NSEJS, they will be eligible for subsequent stages leading to participation in International Junior Science Olympiad 2013.
The syllabus for INJSO will be broadly equivalent to the secondary school level (upto Class X) of CBSE. The different basic subjects of science (physics, chemistry, biology and mathematics) will have roughly equal emphasis. The syllabus is, however, only a broad guideline. Questions and problems in National Olympiads are usually non-conventional and of high difficulty level, comparable to International Olympiads.
Awards And Recognitions
For Stage I: Top 300 students would be selected for the second stage , certificate to top 10% student from every exam centre ; Merit certificates awrded to top 1% students of each state in each subject ; Special merit certificate will be awarded to National Top 1% studentsFinal Stage: The 6 member student team and 3 teacher leaders will constitute the delegation to represent India at the International Junior Science Olympiad (IJSO).
Based on the performance in Stage V eligible students are awarded Gold / Silver & Bronze Medals.For more information, Please visit